Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Advanced French Verb Conjugation
Conjugation refers to the five possible inflections of a verb: Person, Number, Mood, Tense, and Voice. Once youve made a choice from each of these five, you have a conjugation or inflection. For example:Verb - parlerPerson - first personNumber - singularMood - indicativeTense - presentVoice - active je parleVerb - allerPerson - third personNumber - pluralMood - subjunctiveTense - presentVoice - active quils aillentWhen conjugating a French verb, the first things to figure out are the tense and mood, which work hand-in-hand. All moods have at least two tenses (present and past) out of the possible 8 (only the indicative has all 8). The verb timeline lists moods horizontally and tenses vertically.The indicative is the most common mood and is normally not stated. When you talk about the passà © composà ©, the imperfect, or the present tense, for example, you mean of the indicative mood. Its only with other moods like subjunctive and conditional that the mood is stated explicitly.All m oods have a present tense, which is again not made explicit except in the indicative and participle (parentheses indicate what normally goes unsaid): present (indicative)(present) conditional(present) subjunctive(present) imperative(present) infinitivepresent participle So for example, the imperfect (indicative) and the imperfect subjunctive are two different moods of the same tense. On the other hand, the (present) conditional and the past conditional are two different tenses of the same mood. The verb timeline can help you understand this, because it lines up moods and tenses so that you can see how they all fit together. X axis Y axis verb form and basis of individual conjugations. Voilà - now that you understand the basics of French verb conjugation, study the lessons on individual tenses and moods (linked from the verb timeline) to learn more, or visit my French grammar glossary. Tricky Subjects When you understand subject pronouns, tenses, moods, and how to conjugateà French verbs, youre in great shape. There are however some grammatical subjects which make conjugation a bit more difficult. Multiple Subjects When you have more than one subject, you have to figure out whichà subject pronounsà would replace that group and then conjugate the verb accordingly. For example,à toi et moià would be replaced byà nous, as wouldà David et moi.à Toi et luià andà Michel et toià would be replaced byà vous.à Lui et elleà orà Marc et Anneà would be replaced byà ils. The trick is to make this replacement in your head without actually saying it out loud, as denoted by the (parentheses):à à à Toi et moi (nous) pouvons le faireà à à You and I can do ità à à Paul, Marie et moi (nous) mangeonsà à à Paul, Marie, and I are eatingà à à Toi et elle (vous) à ªtes en retardà à à You and she are lateà à à Sophie et toi (vous) devez partirà à à You and Sophie have to leaveà à à Luc et sa femme (ils) sont arrivà ©sà à à Luc and his wife have arrivedà à à Lui et elle (ils) lisent beaucoupà à à He and she read a lot Subject +Object Pronoun In a construction with anà object pronoun, usuallyà nousà orà vous, there is sometimes a tendency to conjugate the verb according to it, rather than to theà subject pronoun, because the object directly precedes the verb. Though this tends to be a careless mistake made orally rather than a lack of understanding, its included here just as a little reminder.à à à Je vous ai donnà © la listeà à à I gave you the listà à à xx Je vous avez donnà © la liste xxà à à Vous nous avez mentià à à You lied to usà à à xx Vous nous avons menti xx Cest... qui The constructionà cestà à stressed pronounà à quià makes many people - including at times native French speakers - want to use the third person singular verb conjugation because ofà qui. But this is incorrect; in fact, the conjugation has to agree with the pronoun.à à à Cest moi qui ai gagnà ©Ã à à Its me that wonà à à xx Cest moi qui a gagnà © xxà à à Cest vous qui avez tortà à à Youre the one whos wrongà à à xx Cest vous qui a tort xxà à à Cest nous qui allons le faireà à à Were the ones who are going to do ità à à xx Cest nous qui va le faire xx Pronoun + Qui Similar to theà cest... quià construction is a subject orà demonstrative pronounà à qui. Again, theà quià makes people want to use the third person singular, but once again the conjugation has to agree with the pronoun.à à à Vous qui avez mangà © pouvez partirà à à Those of you who have eaten may leaveà à à xx Vous qui a mangà © pouvez partir xxà à à Ceux qui veulent aider doivent me voirà à à Those who want to help need to see meà à à xx Ceux qui veut aider doivent me voir xxà à à Je cherche celles qui à ©tudientà à à Im looking for the ones who are studyingà à à xx Je cherche celles qui à ©tudie xx Collective Subjects Collective subjects can take the third person singular or plural: à à à Un tas de fleurs sont mortes / Un tas de fleurs est mortà à à A bunch of flowers diedà à à Un grand nombre de livres ont disparu / Un grand nombre de livres a disparuà à à A large number of books disappeared Adverbs of Quantity Adverbs of quantityà take the third person singular or plural, depending on the number of the noun that follows: à à à Beaucoup dà ©tudiants sont arrivà ©sà à à A lot of students have arrivedà à à Peu de pluie est tombà ©eà à à Little rain fellà à à Combien de livres y a-t-ilà ?à à à How many books are there?Also see ...dentre... below. Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronounsà always take a third person conjugation (either singular or plural, depending on the number of the pronoun).à à à La plupart a dà ©cidà ©Ã à à Most have decidedà à à Plusieurs sont perdusà à à Many are lostà à à Tout le monde est là à à à Everyone is thereAlso see ...dentre... ...dentre... When anà adverb of quantityà orà indefinite pronounà is followed byà entreà à personal pronoun, many non-native French speakers (including myself) want to conjugate the verb according to the personal pronoun. But this is incorrect - in this construction, the verb has to be conjugated to agree with what comes beforeà entre, not what comes after.à à à Certains dentre vous ont oublià ©Ã à à Some of you forgotà à à xx Certains dentre vous avez oublià © xxà à à Beaucoup dentre nous sont en retardà à à Many of us are lateà à à xx Beaucoup dentre nous sommes en retard xxà à à Chacun dentre vous peut le faireà à à Each one of you can do ità à à xx Chacun dentre vous pouvez le faire xx
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